way too loud, otherwise i'm sue i'd love it
way too loud, otherwise i'm sue i'd love it
not bad
a little high pitched, in all honestly I only like about 4 runescape songs, if you wanna play add me, i wont be on for a week or two though
crymson nite
okies. i havent been on in quite a while but i think i might start playing again since the free trade and wilderness are coming back.
you should really remix the town themes, i'd love to hear the seers village theme
I've done 1 or 2 of them I believe, go check them out if you'd like! :) Thanks for the review!
how is this not more popular?
wait, I just copied the guy below me >.>
not bad at all
you should make a version with less bass so we can hear it cause I like the rest I just don't like not having Bass that I can hear well, I'd download but the bass is too deep for my speakers and i probably wouldn't listen to it too much, but I still like it
I like it
but it sounds like your saying "Zombies in the produce isle" to me
I love the "urban nightmare" lyrics
awesome song
but you didn't make this submission
10 for the song 0 for you submitting the actual song
5/10 cause of the song
there's one thing left to do!
Make a Flash side scroller racing like game where you have to reach the end before the other people.
This actually reminds me of Castle Crashers, like the loop and the background string sound, makes it sound castle that a word?
I like it, well deserves top of the week
and the more I listen to it, the string part sounds right out of code lyoko, actually now that i think of code lyoko I can actually hear the themesong in there
Did you mean to put the code lyoko themesong in there? cause the more I listen the more I hear almost the whole song exactly
idk, still love it 10/10 5/5 DL
haha i have no idea on earth what code lyoko is. so thats pure coincedence. but thank you :D yeah i agree, gotta make some flash to this!
very epicish, kudos
how have people not found you yet, this is awesome
I might not have skills, but I've got an ear for music, I like basically everything but country, R&B, Latino, Blue Grass, Yodeling, etc Love rock, punk, 8bit, rap, and techno
Age 34, Male
Joined on 11/14/07