what "crappy" drum program do you use?
it sounds better than mine
what "crappy" drum program do you use?
it sounds better than mine
hmmm back then.......sound forge I think...or acid pro 3....
it's so old I don't remember
I can't believe no one's reviewed this, this if fucking sick
something good out of the RROD is right, A++
that voice, ack, its good, but i can't stand the voice
get rid of them
the like trumpets things, or whatever they are, put something else in
awesome drums, awesome everything
then you have woodwind and brass instruments, do not want
I wrote a review on my other account
but i lost the password to that one, and this song is still very epic, i like it "backwards" too
i have to say, this is as catchy as jerry Cs, maybe better, finish it
I haven't rated a 10 in weeks, this wowed me
I love canon, and this just made it better
I'm almost crying because of the awesomeness that you have given this beautiful song
good job sir
Thank you very much ;)
I see a war torn city
and at every strum visions of what it once was flash back
kids playing in the park, now destroyed
dinner still on the table
rubble litering the street, but flashes to cars driving by
then when it gets really cheerful
the sun shines through the dark clouds, and people come out of the bomb shelters
army caravans come through and everyones dirty faces are begining to smile
because they may have lost everything, but they still have each other
That is pretty much how I saw the song myself only without the theme of war >.<
thanks for commenting ^^ appreciated!
as soon as it started I was awestruck
I just might have to find a place of this in one of my movies
not bad
I could really see this building up into a techno tho
I might not have skills, but I've got an ear for music, I like basically everything but country, R&B, Latino, Blue Grass, Yodeling, etc Love rock, punk, 8bit, rap, and techno
Age 34, Male
Joined on 11/14/07