very very nice
sounds like linkin park should be singing over the intro, sounds almost like a linkin park remix, I'm liking it
very very nice
sounds like linkin park should be singing over the intro, sounds almost like a linkin park remix, I'm liking it
Thanks for the review!
Does it sound like a remix of Linkin Park ^^? Not sure if I agree with you, but everyone has his/her own opinions I guess :). Really glad you enjoyed the song though! Stay tuned for more stuff in the future ^^
the guitar seems off beat from the rest, especially at the muted strumming, i just cant listen to it because of the guitar being off
very nice
there's not much good rap here on newgrounds, the chorus is a little iffy but the verses are hot, and I absolutely love the trombone
I've been just skimming songs, cause if they don't catch my interest in the first 30 seconds its not worth me listening, but this caught my interest in the first 3 seconds, great job, love the beat
its not bad at all, also, it just MOSTLY comes out of the right speaker, it comes out the left just not near as much
I knew I'd heard it somewhere too
DeadEndWorldStudios is right, it's kernkraft 400 by Zombie Nation at 1:04
I looked it up, really good "remix" though, lol
very nice
I can't really sing to save my life but I can make lyrics, I actually started singing some while i listened to this, do you mind if I try my hand with lyrics?
nah no prob man lol feel free man ^^
i loaded it up going down the "top" list and went back to what i was doing
didnt see anything but the title, and at 50 seconds i had to come back to this paging thinking to myself, "this is waterflame isn't it"
your style is obvious and amazing, and its obvious that its working for you, keep it up
for some reason I couldn't stop thinking
"I just died in your arms tonight, it musta been something you said"
still awesome though
I might not have skills, but I've got an ear for music, I like basically everything but country, R&B, Latino, Blue Grass, Yodeling, etc Love rock, punk, 8bit, rap, and techno
Age 34, Male
Joined on 11/14/07